Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Life Cycle

Sows give birth to their young about 4 months after they have mated with a male pig. Usually there are about 8 to 12 piglets born at one time. Sometimes there may be a lot more.
The piglets drink milk from their mother for about 5 weeks. After this, they begin to eat solid food.
Most pigs are fully grown by the time they are three and a half, but some pigs will keep growing until they are four or five years old. Generally speaking, pig calendar live for about 10-15 years.
What do pigs provide for humans?
The meat we get from pigs is pork, ham or bacon. Ham comes from the heavy muscled rear quarters of the pig. Bacon is meat from the back and sides that has been smoked or salted or dried to preserve it. Many sausages are made of pork.
Pigs also provide us with leather, brushes made from their hair, and soap made using their fat.
Some kinds of medicines are made from pigs' glands.
Their bones are made into glue.

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